Demon’s Souls (not Demon Souls) is the long lost bastard child of a long forgotten series of games in the late 90’s called Kings Field. It’s also the birthplace of the Souls games, and would provide the basic structure of the Souls series. It is truly a nexus between many games.
It’s also a strong reason why I bought the PS5 at an exorbitant amount off of ebay.
The game itself is beautiful and looks so much better than the PS3 version. It plays so smoothly too; the animations for successfully parrying with riposte are awesome and they never get tired.
One of the biggest strengths of these games is that they don’t hold the hand of the player. They are difficult and unforgiving, and it is up to you to figure out what to do next or how to beat a boss.
For example, nothing in the game tells you when or how to level up. You have to beat the first boss and in doing so learn that the maiden can increase your level. It is an extremely challenging game, but the player is reward well.
Demon’s Souls succeeds in the atmosphere created. Tower of the Queen and the world of the shadowmen are amazing and truly alien atmospheres. The Valley of Defilement is such a gross place, and it forces the player to explore in the darkness and the muck.
There are many ways to build your character. I focused more on a strength build with limited magic. I really like enchanting my weapon.
There are so many secrets to the game as well. It is a challenge to uncover everything and the game can change dependent on the world tendency of the region. It’s hard to find many weaknesses in this game. The storyline isn’t quite as dramatic and fleshed out as other games today, but I think that lends to the mystery of the game. Bow and Arrows seem essential to this souls game more than any other in my opinion, as a few bosses can’t be beat without them (at least I am not aware of how to beat them without a bow, maybe magic?)
It’s a must play for those that love Souls games. The replayability is extremely high too, as you can try different types of characters. I’m really hoping one day we get to explore the 6th archstone. That would be an awesome DLC. I would love to see more of Boletaria.