Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thoughts on Dragon Age: Inquisition -- Spaghetti Mage

Beware the dreadwolf! Fen'Harel!

When I first played Dragon Age: Origins years ago, I was unimpressed.  The combat seemed weak, and I quickly became consumed with another game: Skyrim.  For many years, I ignored the Dragon Age series.

Looking for something new several months ago, I bought Dragon Age: Inquisition for about 8 bucks.  The more I played, the more I became consumed with it.   I was really impressed with storyline.  The character interaction never got stale, and there are many, many twists in character development (Thom Ranier???).  The gameplay is fun, and there are plenty of side quests.  Special classes are available for whatever class you play.  

I started the game with a female elf mage.  I tend to always opt for magic users.  Later in the game I made her into a knight enchanter, and ultimately finished the game with her, beating Corypheus.  If you create a female elf, and have a romantic storyline with Solas, it ties into The Trespasser DLC extremely well.  It essentially makes part of the plot a tragic love story.  I also created a female dwarf warrior, and ventured deep into the game with her.

The cast of characters is fun and impressive.  Each has their own storyline and a truly unique personality.  Morrigan's entrance into the story made things interesting.  Some of the criticism I have seen online claims Corypheus was a weak boss, and that the story flounders at times, but I just didn't feel that way.  In fact, by the time I was playing Trespasser, I was grinding hard just to see how everything turned out with "Solas".  It could be argued, that Corypheus wasn't the real boss at all, and was in fact a pawn.

I liked the different areas available to venture to.  The Fade was creepy, the Storm Coast was awesome, and my favorite was the Hissing Wastes.  I liked how you could randomly judge enemies you had defeated from your throne, and the battle with the dragons in the game was intense!  As the game progressed, I found myself more concerned with building weapons than finding them. 

If there was a weak point, maybe one could point at the war table.  I don't think it detracted from the game, but I think the potential to make it really awesome exists.  It could be a mini-strategy game within the larger perspective of the entire story.  The player had the opportunity to recruit agents, but their significance seemed to wane later in the game.  Also, eventually so much Power is obtained that it's pointless. 

Overall, it was an incredible game, and I am hooked on the series now.  I'm eager to see the ramifications of Thedas after the rise of the Dreadwolf.  Bring on Dragon Age 4!!!

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